AskJack for Human Resources

Streamline your day with your AI-powered HR assistant

AskJack streamlines your days by automating responses to frequent HR inquiries, freeing you to focus on strategic initiatives and drive meaningful organizational growth.

We do this by bringing AI to where your teams work most.

In Slack. (Teams coming soon)

Today the average HR professional spends 25-50% of their time on repetitive questions.

That's 43 to 86 hours every month!

Let employees self-serve their everyday HR questions with AskJack.

Freeing you to do more strategic initiatives and be the business partner you want to be.

Schedule a demo!

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With AskJack you can...

  • Reduce repetitive HR inquiries. Allowing you and your team to focus on strategic initiatives rather than responding to the same questions.
  • Streamline employee onboarding & beyond. Are employees drinking from the firehose during onboarding? AskJack helps during the onboarding process by providing instant access to necessary documents, guidelines, and resources.

    Then once the dust settles the same information is available 24x7x365. Without HR.
  • Get data driven insights on what your employees want to know. AskJack helps you understand what's on your employees minds. And we identify where your current information lacks what employees want to know.